Tuesday 21 September 2010


not these type of mentors

Interested in film at the lower end of the budget scale end, competitive element being a production submit’s a proposal for a film script then a short list is drawn up, then the successful bid at the shortlist, then spend 3 days with mentors and professionals
 professionals to refine there ideas and develop there skills and presentation is made , each short listed team is listed, winner is chosen the production teem (between they eyes) was awarded 500 grand and was to fund another 500 grand from private companies
but with shifty they got the money and was shown in over 50 cinemans and only was made under 20 days and recieved good reviews

Monday 20 September 2010


the poster promoting the fim heralds this as a 100% action packed film filled with violent drug use throughout. I think it is a good film but it needed a better ending, middle and beginning.
Shifty is British film from the Microwave Sheme where the eponymous anti-hero has been doing shifty dealing for a while but trouble starts when his mate Chris turned up to reconnect and to party. After an absence of 4 years he witesses the deals to London’s under classes,
(Chris disappeared to Manchester following gearing up a women who died because she was melted onto a radiator. Then there was the guy who dropped drink onto Chris’s stash losing him money)
They spend the next 24 hours together, with Chris watching Shifty as he deals to a variety of increasingly desperate customers from the community. When Shifty gets kicked out of his own house because his brother discovers the latest stash. While this is happening some gang for no particular reason turn up along with people who start messing with the coke and shifty uses his ability to escape to Manchester and the rest of the people get beaten up

at typical situation in the film
but this film did get some good reviews saying that it was a good british film and a decent acting along with situation people could relate to make a genrable decent film as it say on the poster
i think its a good film but the ended needed a clearer ending and overall the characters in the film could be enhanced better and more jokes and less of random sidetracking in the film

mircrowave sceme

the microwave scheme is where they challenge new and upcoming directors to make film without exceeding there 100 grand budget, Launched in 2006, support of Skillet and the BBC, the scheme provides an approach to filmmaking (intensive)with an emphasis on tightly focused scripts and short production schedules. this scheme includes mentoring from professionals who had established industry and is open to London-based production teams looking to move from short filmmaking to features. and supported from other industries along with being widely publicised they go on to make money for larger production while gaining interest from companies
this is a microwave

Monday 13 September 2010

UK film council

the uk film council is  The uk film council is government funded council where they look at british films and try to unsure economic cultural and educational aspect of British film remain and it try to promote it abroad , it also put the rating on films in the uk

The uk film council is mostly funded by the taxman but other area include national lotteries funds and some cultural charities from theatres, and this money goes into British filmmaking and support film directors coming through and try to encourage people to take an interest and also gives money to many academies for high flying film making. it also funds application to helping young and upcoming directors with professional advice. And they do this to try and secure that Britain has a place in global cinema and hopes how it does well, it also funds the exporting of films and try to encourage them to make it big in other countries. And also funds national and local film bodies which cost 6.3million. Current lottery fufor films stands at £26m per year, which is expected to increase to £32m after 2012.

Film production - £15m pa Film distribution - £2m pa Training - £3.25m pa Regional film bodies - £6.3m this is just some statistics from UKFC

this is for my media project and thorugh my blogger i will be putting up to date information on my media project

so over the term i will updating videos and information relevant on my blogger acount
along with trying to keep this as interactive as possible